Christ-Centered Expository Preaching
Course code: PRTH 512

Christ-Centered Expository Preaching combines the expository exegesis with the gospel-based, evangelical thrust of Christ-centered preaching, demonstrating how these two components should complement each other. This course will add breadth and depth to the student’s perspective on this sacred responsibility, whether they are new to preaching or have years of experience in the pulpit.

The course is designed with a balanced blend of theological, theoretical, and hands-on application of the concepts taught.

Intended Outcomes

Students will know

  • The biblical, historical-theological, and theoretical foundations for expository preaching.
  • How to define, describe, and distinguish an expository approach to preaching.
  • How to define, describe, and distinguish a Christ-centered, gospel-based approach to expository preaching.
  • Some key alternative approaches to preaching, how they compare and contrast with the approach that is presented in this course, and a fair assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Students will appreciate

  • The deep biblical and theological roots from which we have received the tradition of Christ-centered, expository preaching.
  • That in order to be genuinely Christian, a sermon must both be grounded in sound exegesis of scripture and guided by a Christ-centered, gospel-based hermeneutical framework. These two major channel markers must constantly be aligned with each other in order to cross-check the authoritative basis and the evangelical thrust of our preaching.
  • That a Christ-centered, expository approach to preaching will produce messages that demonstrate biblical accuracy, gospel fidelity, cultural relevance, and personal and societal transformation.

Students will be motivated by…

  • A deep desire to glorify Christ and His redemptive work, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, in every message, no matter what is the text or topic of the sermon.

Students will be able to

  • Evaluate their own preaching and that of others based on a clearly-defined set of criteria in order to assess whether or not the message is rooted in holy Scripture and whether or not it clearly proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Apply specific steps during the process of sermon preparation in order to ensure that the product (the sermon) will consistently reflect the key values of a Christ-centered, expository approach to preaching.
  • Articulate the undergirding biblical, theological, and theoretical rationale for a Christ-centered, expository approach to preaching.
  • Teach others how to prepare, preach, and evaluate Christ-centered, expository sermons according to the values, steps, and criteria set forth in this course.

Assignment Overview

  • Students will read and interact with three excellent textbooks which will expose you to…
    • The mechanics of expository sermon preparation
    • The biblical-theological framework for Christ-centered, expository preaching
    • Some of the key theological lenses which will help you to ensure that each sermon truly clearly proclaims Christ from the rightly-interpreted and applied scripture text.
  • Students will also watch and evaluate a hand-picked selection of sermons. This will develop the ability to discern the difference between hermeneutically-sound, Christ-centered exposition and various approaches to preaching that fall short. This is an opportunity to think like a preaching coach, watching “game” footage in order to learn constructively from both the successes and mistakes of others.
  • Students will also develop and preach a Christ-centered, expository sermon. The professor will provide coaching and feedback at each phase of sermon development and delivery. Students will get right into the hands-on application of what they are learning, and that application will continue, step-by-step, throughout the entire semester.


Dr. R. G. Hutchison

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